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Privacy Policy

Terms of Service

1. Object and scope of application:

  • This policy regulates how Tap News collects and processes, stores personal data of Users who use or interact with Tap News' products, websites, applications, or services.
  • To avoid confusion, this data privacy policy only applies to individual users. Tap News encourages users to carefully read this policy and regularly check the electronic news page for any changes that Tap News may make under the terms of the policy.

2. Purpose of processing personal data

    2.1. Tap News may process Users' personal data for one or more of the following purposes:

  • (a) Providing Tap News products or services;
  • (b) Adjusting, updating, securing, and improving the products, services, and applications provided by Tap News to users;
  • (c) Verifying identity and ensuring the security of users' personal information;
  • (d) Responding to service requests and user support needs;
  • (e) Informing users of changes to Tap News' product and service policies, promotions;
  • (f) Measuring, analyzing internal data, and other processing to improve the quality of Tap News' services/products or conduct marketing communications activities;
  • (g) Blocking and preventing fraud, identity theft, and other illegal activities;
  • (h) Establishing the legal basis, enforcing Tap News' legal rights, or protecting Tap News', users', or any individual's legal claims. These purposes may include data exchange with Tap News and other organizations to prevent and detect fraud, reduce credit risk;
  • (i) Complying with current laws, relevant industry standards, and Tap News' current policies;
  • (j) Any other purposes specific to Tap News' operational activities.
  • 2.2. Tap News will request the user's permission before using the user's personal data for any purposes other than those stated in Article 2.1 above, at the time of collecting the user's personal data or before starting related processing or other requests, or as permitted by current law.

3. User Personal Data Security

  • 3.1. User personal data is committed to maximum security according to Tap News' regulations and legal provisions. Processing of each user's personal data shall only be carried out with the user's consent, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • 3.2. Tap News does not use, transfer, provide, or share any user's personal data with any third party without the user's consent, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • 3.3. Tap News will adhere to other principles of personal data security as required by current law.
  • 3.4. Tap News utilizes various information security technologies to protect users' personal data from unauthorized access, use, or sharing. However, no data can be 100% secure. Therefore, Tap News commits to maximizing the security of users' personal data. Some unintended consequences, damages may occur including but not limited to:
    • (a) Hardware, software errors in the data processing process leading to user data loss;
    • (b) Security vulnerabilities beyond Tap News' control, related systems being hacked leading to data breaches;
    • (c) Users themselves inadvertently disclose personal data due to: carelessness or being deceived; accessing websites/downloading applications containing malicious software, etc.
  • 3.5. Users should maintain electronic devices securely during use; Users should lock, log out, or exit their accounts on Tap News' website or application when not in use.

4. Types of Personal Data Collected and Processed by Tap News

  • To enable Tap News to provide products, services to Users and/or process User requests, Tap News may need to and/or be required to collect personal data, including:
  • (a) Basic personal data of Users and related individuals;
  • (b) Data related to electronic news pages or applications: technical data (as mentioned above, including device type, operating system, browser type, browser settings, IP address, language settings, date and time of connection to the electronic news page, application usage statistics, application settings, date and time of connection to the application, location data, and other technical contact information); security login details; usage data, etc.

5. Methods of Collecting Personal Data

  • 5.1. Directly from Users through various means:
  • (a) When Users submit registration requests or any other forms related to Tap News' products and services;
  • (b) When Users interact with Tap News' User Service personnel, for example, through phone calls, letters, face-to-face meetings, emails, or social media interactions;
  • (c) When Users use Tap News' websites and applications;
  • (d) When Users are contacted and respond to marketing representatives and Tap News' User Service personnel;
  • (e) When Users provide their personal information to Tap News for any other reason, including when Users register for a free trial of any products and services or when Users express interest in any Tap News products and services.
  • 5.2. From other third parties:
  • (a) If Users interact with third-party content or advertisements on the electronic news page or in the application, Tap News may receive Users' personal information from relevant third parties, according to the current legal privacy policy of those third parties;
  • (b) If Users choose to make direct electronic payments to Tap News or through the electronic news page or application, Tap News may receive Users' personal data from third parties, such as payment service providers, for that payment purpose;
  • (c) To comply with its obligations under current law, Tap News may receive personal data about Users from legal and regulatory authorities as provided by law;
  • (d) Tap News may receive personal data about Users from public sources (such as phone directories, advertising information/flyers, publicly available information on electronic news pages).
  • Whenever personal data is collected in this way, Tap News will ensure that receiving data from relevant third parties is done in legal ways, while requiring those third parties to comply with the legal provisions regarding the protection of personal data.

6. Organizations Authorized to Process Personal Data

  • 6.1. Tap News will share or jointly process personal data with the following organizations, individuals:
  • (a) Contractors, agents, partners, service providers operating Tap News;
  • (b) Branches, business units, and employees working at Tap News' branches, business units, agents;
  • (c) Telecommunications businesses in case Users violate service fee payment obligations;
  • (d) Tap News' professional advisors such as auditors, lawyers,... as required by law;
  • (e) Courts, competent state agencies according to legal regulations and/or when required and permitted by law.
  • 6.2. Tap News commits to sharing or jointly processing personal data only when necessary to perform the Processing Purposes stated in this policy or as required by law. Organizations, individuals receiving Users' personal data must comply with the provisions of this policy and relevant legal regulations on personal data protection.
  • Although Tap News will make every effort to ensure that Users' information is anonymized/encrypted, it cannot completely eliminate the risk of such data being disclosed in unforeseen circumstances.
  • 6.3. In the event of involvement of other organizations processing personal data as mentioned in this Clause, Users agree Tap News will notify Users before Tap News implements.

7. Rights and Obligations of Users Regarding Personal Data Provided to Tap News

  • 7.1. Users have the right to be informed about the processing activities of their personal data, except as otherwise provided by law:
  • (a) Users have the right to consent or refuse to allow the processing of their personal data, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • (b) Users have the right to access, view, edit, or request the correction of their Personal Data in writing sent to Tap News, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • (c) Users have the right to withdraw their consent in writing sent to Tap News, except as otherwise provided by law. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing of data that Users have consented to with Tap News before withdrawing consent.
  • (d) Users have the right to delete or request the deletion of their personal data in writing sent to Tap News, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • (e) Users have the right to request the restriction of processing their Personal Data in writing sent to Tap News, except as otherwise provided by law. Data processing restrictions will be implemented by Tap News within 72 hours of receiving the User's request, for all Personal Data requested to be restricted by the User, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • (f) Users have the right to request Tap News to provide them with their Personal Data in writing sent to Tap News, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • (g) Users have the right to object to Tap News, Organizations Authorized to Process Personal Data specified in this Policy, processing their personal data in writing sent to Tap News to prevent or restrict the disclosure of Personal Data or use of Personal Data for advertising, marketing purposes, except as otherwise provided by law. Tap News will fulfill the User's request within 72 hours of receiving the request, except as otherwise provided by law.
  • (h) Users have the right to complain, denounce, or sue as provided by law.
  • (i) Users have the right to claim compensation for actual damages as provided by law if Tap News violates the provisions on protecting their Personal Data, except as otherwise agreed by the parties or provided by law.
  • (j) Users have the right to self-defense as provided by the Civil Code, other relevant laws, or request competent authorities, organizations to implement civil rights protection measures as provided in Article 11 of the Civil Code.
  • (k) Other rights as provided by current law.
  • 7.2. User responsibilities:
  • (a) Comply with the provisions of laws, regulations, and guidelines of Tap News regarding the processing of User's Personal Data.
  • (b) Provide complete, honest, and accurate Personal Data, other information as requested by Tap News when registering and using Tap News services and when there are changes to this information. Tap News will secure User's Personal Data based on the information User has registered, so if there is any discrepancy, Tap News will not be responsible if that information affects or limits User's rights. In the event of no notification, if there are risks, losses, Users are responsible for errors or misuse, fraud when using services due to their own errors or failure to provide correct, complete, accurate, and timely information; including financial damages, costs arising from incorrect or inconsistent information provided.
  • (c) Cooperate with Tap News, competent state agencies, or third parties in case issues affecting the security of User's Personal Data arise.
  • (d) Protect their own personal data; proactively apply measures to protect their Personal Data when using Tap News services; promptly notify Tap News if they discover errors, confusion about their Personal Data, or suspect their Personal Data is being compromised.
  • (e) Take responsibility for the information, data, approvals they create, provide on the network environment; take responsibility in case personal data is leaked, infringed due to their own errors.
  • (f) Regularly update the Regulations, Policies of Tap News in each period notified to Users or posted on Tap News websites and/or other transaction channels of Tap News in each period. Take actions as instructed by Tap News to clearly demonstrate consent or non-consent to the purposes of processing Personal Data that Tap News informs Users in each period.
  • (g) Respect, protect the personal data of others.
  • (h) Other responsibilities as prescribed by law.